Tuesday, August 30, 2011

WooWoo, check out our room!

Our calendar center and class carpet! 
 Check out our cool reading nook!
This is our science center and work display!
 Our computer station and our GIANT board!

I am very excited about tomorrow! I hope that all of the kiddos are tucked into bed so that they are ready to learn when the sun comes up! Thank you to all of our families who came by for our meet and greet tonight. As I said, you are always welcome in the classroom! Never hesitate to come on in!

Love & Learning!
Ms. Evans

Saturday, August 27, 2011

20 things that YOU should know about ME!

Name: Elizabeth Evans
Hometown: Tampa, Florida
Birthday: May 6th
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Book: My Great Aunt Arizona
Favorite Food: Cheese Pizza
Family: My Mom and Dad live in Tampa. My sister and her husband live in Orlando with my nephew, Grant and my Niece, Annabelle. I'm also engaged to be married to Ben Faust, who is a teacher at McNeil.
Hobbies: Music, Zumba, Sewing, Arts & Crafts, Football and shopping :-)
Education: I have B.A. from Western Kentucky University
Favorite Movie: Father of the Bride
Favorite Candy: Skittles
Favorite Season: Summer because I love to swim.
Middle Name: Anne
Pets: I have 2 kitties. Jeremiah is 4 years old and Sophia is about 6 months.
Favorite Subject in school: Writing
Favorite place to visit: Florida, so that I can see my family!
Favorite Holiday: Does the Kentucky Derby count?? If not, then, probably Christmas.
Favorite kind of music: I love Oldies!
Favorite thing to do on the weekends: I love to go to the Lake and swim in the summers and I like to go to football games in the fall.
Favorite Quote: "Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise; risking
more than others think is safe; dreaming more than others think is
practical; and expecting more than others think is possible." -Mac Anderson

Love & Learning,
Ms. Evans

Who Knew? Your teacher's new!

Welcome to the 2011-2012 Kindergarten Blog for Ms. Elizabeth Evans and friends!

I hope to use this blog as an additional communication tool between teacher and student, teacher and parent and student and parent!

Please enjoy some of the photos I took to show you the way our classroom looked on Saturday morning! I'll be a busy bee all weekend making this classroom a home for all of us!

I hope you will keep reading and enjoy this year of learning as much as I will!

Love & Learning,
Ms. Evans

Always remember:
You are smart, You are kind, YOU ARE IMPORTANT!